Pizza Perfect

Review by: Bruce Bilmes and Susan Boyle

Pizza snobs beware: what you find at Pizza Perfect in Trucksville, Pennsylvania, and at similar pizza specialists in the region, requires you to compartmentalize everything you think you know about what makes great pizza and what constitutes inferior pizza. In other words, enter these doors with an open mind and a Roadfood spirit.

Pizza here is sold by the cut, not slice, and it has a superficial resemblance to the bargain-basement rectangles found in your local grocer’s freezer case. But don’t be deceived by appearances. Tasting is believing; this stuff is wonderful. Each pizzeria in the region puts its own spin on the local style. Pizza Perfect is notable for the bottom of the crust, which is practically fried, oily and crisp. There’s little Italian character to these pizzas. What you’ll find instead is hefty, oniony, cheesy (if you get extra cheese) American bar-food satisfaction.

Pizza Perfect falls into that beloved sub-genre of Pennsylvania/New York cuisine, the Family Tavern. It’s a bar, alright, but one where the food is upfront. We spied most of the other customers eating their cuts as part of a multi-course feast that included the likes of wings, fried mushrooms, and sandwiches, but we did see one family of four with a monomaniacal square tray of assorted cuts that must have been about 12 cuts by 4 cuts in size!

Note to root beer aficionado’s: Pizza Perfect carries the Hank’s line of bottled soft drinks, from Philadelphia. Their vanilla’d root beer is, in our opinion, one of the best.

So? Is it as good as Pepe’s in New Haven, or Totonno’s in Coney Island? That misses the point. Is this a unique, regional food style? … Does it taste good? … Will you have fun? The answer to those questions is: You bet!

What To Eat

White with Ham and Double Cheese & Onion Pizza

Cut with Black Olives and No Onions


Pizza Cut


Pizza Perfect Recipes


What do you think of Pizza Perfect?

2 Responses to “Pizza Perfect”

David stefanoski

April 19th, 2023

Come there lot of times.
We were there this past Sunday at
We ordered a salad,turkey barbecue, 6 cuts of pizza.
The pizza was dry, no tomato sauce. I don’t know if because we were the last order for the night. We come there lot of times and always enjoyed the pizza. I thought I would give you a heads up about Sunday night pizza.
Thank you
Dave Stefanoski.



    April 19th, 2023

    SOrry to hear about your experience! Thanks for letting everyone know.


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