Sugar Pine Strawberry Preserves

Strawberry Preserves

No matter when you come to eat at the Loveless, the table will be set with made-here preserves. "Growing up, I can remember there was a preserve for every growing season, Tom says. "Each berry ripens at a different time, and you preserved the fruit of the day."

  • Prep Time: 2 hours hours
  • Yield: 15 Servings
  • 4 cups strawberries (fresh or frozen
  • 1 cup sugar
  • Gently rinse the strawberries with cold water. Set them in the sink and let dry. Trim the tops off the berries and cut the berries in half. Put the berries in a large pot with the sugar. Let sit for 2 hours or until strawberries release their juices.
  • Bring the strawberries to a simmer on medium heat for 30 to 45 minutes. Gently stir; cook the berries until reduced by half or the mixture reaches jam thickness.
  • Jar the preserves right out of the kettle, filling each jar to the top. Place a top on each jar as tight as possible.

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