Elan Mayhew

Elan Mayhew


O’Rourke’s Diner

By Jane and Michael Stern Originally Published in Gourmet, 1994 Clad in shining steel and accoutered in neon and Naugahyde, diners are cheap thrills, American style. Although most are in the urban east, where the handsomest among them were manufactured in the thirties, forties, and fifties, they fit in anywhere you find them, on a … Continue reading O’Rourke’s Diner

Eating Through Santa Barbara Wine Country | Roadfood Bests

The road trip from Santa Barbara to Santa Maria offers the great beef and silky wines you’d expect from the ranch and vine scenery, and there are a few surprises along the way too. Starting in Santa Barbara initiate yourself to the area’s famous tri-tip at Shalhoob’s Funk Zone Patio. Make sure to grab some … Continue reading Eating Through Santa Barbara Wine Country | Roadfood Bests

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